In a retail business, products are the most essential part. Product creation is what brings new things to our shelves and puts us a step ahead of the competition. In today’s episode, Catherine Langman gives us tips about product creating and being a “ProductPreneur”. Catherine users her past experience of being a “ProductPreneur” to tell us about the many techniques she has for creating a product for your business.
Videos can help you in your retail business in so many ways. On today’s episode, Mick Russell talks to us about how videos can be very beneficial to retail store. Mick explains that whenever you make a video of a product, you bring it to life in a sense. Videos can also show an application to a certain product and make your customers want to buy it. Mick says that a customer is more likely to buy a certain product after watching a video about it.
As a business owner, sometimes spending money can seem like you are losing money when actually it could be a solution to get more money. In today’s episode, Michelle House teaches about how we can come over money blocks and how we can change the way we think about spending money. Michelle teaches us to stop and think about why exactly we are paying that bill or paying for another business expense.