We've all been there and nobody likes it when it happens – 404 error pages.
That page that pops up when the thing your were searching for, has disappeard into the internet ether.
No matter how good your website is, you are still going to have error pages displaying to your visitors.
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We all make mistakes but in this episode, you will see the 8 mistakes retailers make.
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When I first meet with a retailer, I ask them why they opened their store.
And of course, the reasons vary dramatically.
Bu what generally comes up are these 5 things
To have more freedom to spend time with my family
To not have to work as many hours andTo not have to work in a rigid corporate environment
To make more money
Because I love this thing I sell and wanted to share it with others.
Sound familiar?
And to tell you the truth, MOS of those things are the reasons that small business retailers ended up closing shop within the first 3 years.
So why are those the wrong reasons to open a retail store, and how do you turn them into the right reasons?
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We all make mistakes but in this episode, you will see the 8 mistakes retailers make.
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You know the feeling. You need to capitalise on the holiday season to fill your cash register and give you some breathing space for that time of the year when trade naturally drops off.
For most people, that time is the Christmas period, or the Summer.
Each year, you wrack your brain to figure out just which platform you should use, in order to get the maximum return on investment.
If you haven’t been getting the results you’d expected, here are 3 rookie mistakes that are strangling your advertising success.
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