From her first foray into the world of journalism at 15, Annette Densham was hooked on sharing other people’s stories. A weaver of words and a hoarder of knowledge, Annette has written copy for websites, speeches, marketing and presentations and topics from forklifts to tax, to theatre lights and sport, to senior issues and health … she knows what makes news. With a 30 plus year career in newspapers – The Australian, Financial Review, and Daily Telegraph, magazines (print and digital) and corporate communications, this ex journo now uses her skills to teach small business people how to use their stories to connect with the world and build influential brands.
As the Publicity Genie, her work with small business has been recognised with national and international business and PR awards especially for her Be Your Own Publicity Genie Program and Genie Lamp Three Wishes program. She works with authors, speakers, retailers, service providers and entrepreneurs – because everyone can use their stories for great content to connect with the media and beyond. She has secured her clients over $4 million in free advertising through mainstream media. As an author, trainer, mentor and speaker, Annette weaves her story magic everywhere.
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As a retailer, you know that it’s imperative to have a mobile ecommerce site.
Statistic show that a whopping x% of people will browse your web store before they come into your physical store, and if you only trade online, x% of people are browsing on a mobile device.
Whether your online store is you’re only trading platform, or it’s just one part of your omnichannel retail experience, there are ways to take it to the next level and get more sales in the process.
Whilst a lot of people browse on mobile devices, statistics tell us that most customers actually purchase on a desktop. That’s because we know what to expect on each device. Fumbling with numbers, the @ symbol in our email and typing out a lengthy postal address is off-putting for most shoppers.
So they’re happy to browse, but will save the actual checkout process until they get back to the desktop.
This doesn’t mean that you should abandon the mobile cart process (pun intended!). Did you know that on many sites, you can change the keyboard that appears for different form fields? For example, having a keyboard that includes the @ symbol in the email field, is going to allow mobile customers to breeze through checkout.
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Nicky is going to explain us today what is difference between Facebook messenger chat, Facebook messenger adds and Facebook messenger chat bots and which one is going to work best for your retail store.
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Live from the Digital Marketer conference- How to give your customers more and have them love you for it (and get them to buy!)
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My passion is helping experts and business owners create online courses from start to finish. I've seen first-hand how an online course can generate additional income, free up your time and allow you to reach people all around the world—at any time of day.
I learned my trade working on products for Tony Robbins. Today my husband, Alex, and I work with online marketing mastermind Amy Porterfield, storyteller and speaker Bo Eason, and other leading experts.
Products are not the only things you can sell in your retail store. Yes, that's true, and more about that will tell us Gina. So today you are going to learn things like....
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Today I am going to tell you things I learned on digital marketer live conference.
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I started my first business at the age of 15 and from that point on, I was hooked. The whole idea for EB25 sparked during the first couple months of my second business startup, NUYU Juice Bar. During that time, it dawned on me that life is all about surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are running the same race you are. For me, that meant young entrepreneurs. But there was only one small issue… Hardly any young entrepreneurs were around me. And if that was the case for me, I figured it must be the case for other’s as well.
What’s the most logical way to solve this problem? To create a platform that attracts young entrepreneurs, of course! So, here we are with EB25.
EB25 interviews inspiring entrepreneurs who started their entrepreneurial journey at the age of 25 or under. I follow them through their journey of being an entrepreneur~ the ups, the downs, the fun and the sad. My hope is that their stories will inspire and empower you to live a life of freedom and balance while being a young entrepreneur.
I think toady’s guest is the youngest we’ve ever had on the show. Not that I grill guests on how old they are!
At the spritely age of 20, Chelann Geinger is already a serial entreprenueer. At the age of 18, she opened her first business with 3 partners, and has already launched the Entrepreneur Before 25 Podcast out of a desire to inspire and unite young and like-minded entrepreneurs together.
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Tech problems shouldn't ruin your day. You know that those things happens to me, and this is the case when I won again.
I want to share with you today things I learned spending a whole day with a PR agent. You will learn today some fantastic things like:
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Yes, it's a big honour for me to reach the 100th episode of the Bringing Business to Retail podcast. Plus there are also the 'TV episodes' that get streamed, so I can say I have about 200 episodes recorded in last couple of years.
This episode marks a turning point in how the podcast is produced, with the introduction of Patreon, a platform that will allow you to have the opportunity to now only become a patron of the show, but also to have your business questions answered AND appear on the show (limited spots available).
This is my 100th podcast episode, and it's special for me. In this week's episode, I am interviewed by ....wait for it... my 8-year-old daughter, Lana.
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