Teliah is the owner of Renu Hot Yoga, NUYU Juice Bar, and the host of The Balancing Act Podcast, where she interviews women entrepreneurs on balancing personal and business life. Aside from those three, she coaches personal clients on developing healthy habits and yoga practices. She loves every joy, opportunity, challenge and growth moment that comes along with being an entrepreneur and especially loves working alongside her husband, Kylon. She loves being outside with her family and looks forward to building their dream home in the mountains of beautiful Washington State so she can snowboard and work from home every day.
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When you open a bricks and mortar store, you’re often forced to make a decision between a store with less foot traffic, but low rent, or the store with more foot traffic, and higher overheads.
With each of these choices, comes a tradeoff. The lower rent means that you can invest more money into stock, advertising and staff and grow your business at a steady pace. The higher rent option puts you in a position of having to achieve a higher turnover of products and sales, in order to stay afloat.
One of our Bringing Business to Retail community members, Jesse, opted for the lower foot traffic-lower rent store. She says “we’re on a shoe-sting budget, have great word of mouth and a good Facebook presence, but we're not in a good foot traffic location and need to inexpensively figure out how to reach grandparents who may not be wired as well as moms of 10& under”.
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"I'm a passionate professionally trained private chef and holistic nutritionist. Through private chef services, realistic nutrition coaching, meal planning and culinary education, I help people live a delicious life of MORE with less!"
"My culinary approach focuses on delicious simplicity, letting the ingredients shine. Fresh flavours, bright flavours and a focus on seasonality. My nutritional approach is similar, support the body with bright, delicious and healthy food and it will love you back.
My life's work is helping you realize your potential by starting with rising to your healthiest self."
This week we are talking about food. Today my guest is Bianca Osbourne. What to cook, how to cook, all that you will learn in today's episode.
Every retailer would love to have more customers coming to their store, whether it’s online, or, into their shopfront.
As business owners, we spend a lot of time, and money, obsessing over the best ways to attract those customers.
If you’ve hear people talking about sales funnels and customer lifecycles, and you’re feeling a little out of your depth, today I’m going to break down exactly what they are, so that you can master YOUR store’s sales funnel and attract more customers
Instead of using this term funnel, think about it as a small set of stairs, leading to your shop’s front door (virtual or otherwise).
Each step that a potential customer has to walk up, gets them closer to purchasing from you.
In text book speak, there are 5 steps that a person has to walk up, before they become a customer.
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Today you will learn few more tips when it comes to website hosting. Doug will share so much with us so stay tuned.
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In the business world, have you ever found yourself super excited about a potential employee? They have every skill that you could have ever hoped for. It just that, they’re a bit, you can’t quite put your finger on it, but they just don’t seem right. On paper, this person is perfect, but still there’s a little niggle in the back of your mind
The other candidate doesn’t have the same skill set, but they just seem like they’d be a great fit.
So which do you choose?
Well, the better we understand ourselves and other people, the more successful we’ll be in dealing with people and situations; and getting it right. – that’s a direct quote from Sally Hogshead
She goes on to say “using psychology to your advantage in everyday situations, to ‘get’ people, to influence, help and support, to get your point across, in a way that's right for you, to better understand and shape decision-making, to motivate and manage people, and deal with conflict and most importantly to understand and manage our own impact on other people, is possible, when you know your own personality.
So, I ask you - when it comes to the ‘real you’, exactly how well do you know yourself?
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Today I will share with you what I learned from the guests and experts that attended the 3 day business retreat I recently attended. Last week we talked about fear.
Today I will talk more about money blocks, including,
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For some many retailers, in fact, let’s face it, for so many people in any business, there is just never enough time to get through that to do list on any given day.
All of this leads to frustration, overwhelm, anxiety, and feeling constantly pressured, which all lead to a (sub) conscious a sense of failure.
When you’re in this mind-space, you find yourself short tempered, snapping at little things that shouldn’t bother you, taking our frustration at yourself, out on those around you.
Who hasn’t found themselves snapping at the poor cashier because they’d sold out of your favourite chocolate. Or writing a snarky email to a poor retailer because your order wasn’t delivered in a super- timely fashion
Whilst we know we shouldn’t lash out on the nearest person, it’s normal to want to vent our frustrations.
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