How prepared are you for the upcoming spend-fest that is the holiday season? Are your advertising and marketing campaigns ready? Or are you just going to rely on what you’ve always done (hint: that’s NOT going to work this year)?
Joining me to uncover where and when to invest your money to maximize your sales this holiday season in this collaboration episode with the National Online Retailers Association (NORA), Sam Thompson (Bench), and Ming Kang Chen (Sheet Society).
Who doesn't want a sale?
As a consumer, its always a yes! But as a business owner, its usually a no. But there will sometimes come a time that you need to get rid of your stock and get that cashflow boost to get new things in.
Join me and Ashley as she shares how she got rid of her stock and generated $60,000 in just a few days!
Who doesn't want to make $17,500 in just 5 hours?
Listen to one of our conversations over at the recent The Retail Academy Live and find out how Cynthia made this happen!
Have I ever told you the story about how I hired someone to work in my shop, and about a year later, found out she’d started her own online business the week after she got the job in my store.....essentially selling the exact same stuff?
Find out...
-why she WASN'T a bad hire
-who to hire as your business grows
-the simple equation for the right hire (almost) every time