Are you tearing your hair out, spending money on Facebook or Instagram Ads or perhaps both and getting poor or even worse, no results?
Is what you have been doing, no longer working? Well, the fact is that what you have been doing isn’t going to work anymore. Fear not, in this episode of Bringing Business To Retail I cover everything you need to get your Facebook Ads working hot for you right now.
Let’s dive in!
Excited but still feel like you need a little help?
Check out how we can implement and manage your ads for you by heading over to our website Scroll down to Facebook Ads Strategy and Management.
For more click here
When was the last time you audited your customer experience?
Does it measure up or does it fall short?
In this episode of Bringing Business To Retail I’m sharing how you can turn your customers from just happy customers to drumbeaters – customers that shout your praises for you!
I walk you through 4 tips that integrated into your customer journey will make your customers feel like royalty, return time and time again and tell the world about it too!
For more click here
Does the idea of adding another pop-up on your website make you shudder?
You’ve probably experienced many websites that bombard you with the same repetitive pop-up every time you click through to another page - annoying as that might be, it doesn’t mean you should forgo pop-ups on YOUR website.
In this episode of Bringing Retail To Business episode, I share with you 4 pop-ups guaranteed to increase conversions, NOT annoy your customers and provide a better customer experience.
For more click here