Ever wondered how some businesses just seem to be an overnight success and others are still pootling (yes that's a made-up word) along, year in and year out?
Last night, over pizza and wine by the beach, my friend Gina asked me why I thought some business owners succeed and others don't.
Find out what I told her.
Keeping customers coming back to shop with you is so much easier and cheaper than marketing to and attracting a constant stream of new customers.
In this episode, I'm sharing how you can dig in and really understand both your customers and the value you bring to them that will keep them shopping with you when they may be tightening their belts or limiting their spending.
Want to know how to turn a family business into a multi-million dollar business, and the country's largest online store in your industry, well, that's the story you want to hear, right?
And doing it with NO outside investment - that's certainly an achievement. One that Dean Salakas is happy to share, so you can do it too.
** There are 9 strategies I use when helping retail/e-comm businesses move their stock fast so they can reinvest that money into new business. Head over to http://salenaknight.com/stock to know exactly what those 9 strategies are and how I use them.
You've been there, right? You've asked someone on your team to do a task, you come back and check...and it's not done.
Why oh why won't people (aka, our staff) just do as they're asked?
The fact is, you need your team. You can't grow without them.
But if you've ever felt frustrated and like it's just easier to do things yourself, you NEED this podcast episode.
For today’s Bringing Business To Retail podcast, Daniel Murray will help you understand why your staff do what they do.
HINT: it's probably NOT the reason you think.
He’ll show you a completely different perspective that builds an intentional culture for your staff to be the team player that you (desperately) need.