A little sass, a dash of smart-ass, and a whole lot of answers about the science of achievement, Ellen Goodwin is your middle-aged Action Hero, ready to provide you the swift kick in the @ss that you need to take action and empower yourself.
But Ellen wasn’t always an Action Hero.
A lifelong creative entrepreneur, Ellen didn’t know when to say when, and like many of us stayed too long in a career that was no longer fulfilling. When procrastination drove her to the brink of losing her business, Ellen woke up and began to ask “why.” Why wasn’t she in action? Why didn’t she have motivation? Why was she smack-dab in the middle of self-sabotage?
Ellen found that neuroscience held the not only the answers to her questions, but also the winning formulas for moving ahead. And thus an Action Hero was born with the power to harness natural human habits rather than fighting against them in order to create a game plan that squashes procrastination and enables us to get out of our own d@mn way.
Ellen will move into a new reality, supporting you every step of the way.
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